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The Sci Phi Show #53 - Tron

Posted in Shows on August 25th, 2008

In this episode of The Sci Phi Show Daniel and Princess Eve guest host a discussion of the movie Tron.

Episode #53 (54 minutes 6 seconds)

Music for the show was provided by Steward Flecknoe-Brown, who can be reached by email at stewart AT elevelup dot net. He is available on skype as well and takes international paymet via PayPal and his website can be found at

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Join us at the Sci Phi Show Forums

The Sci Phi Show Outcast #65 - Interview with Gary Habermas

Posted in Outcasts on June 19th, 2008

This outcast features an interview with Gary Habermas about Near Death Experiences

Outcast #65 (41 minutes 45 seconds)

Show Notes

Dr Habermas’ Website

What I saw when I was dead by A.J. Ayer

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The Sci Phi Show Outcast #64 - Interview with Rudy Rucker

Posted in Outcasts on May 12th, 2008

This outcast features an interview with author Rudy Rucker

Outcast #64 (22 minutes 23 seconds)

Show Notes

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The Sci Phi Show #52 - The Keeper and The Experience Machine

Posted in Shows on May 5th, 2008

In this episode of The Sci Phi Show I look at the season 2 episode of Stargate called The Keeper, and consider the concept of the experience machine.

Episode #52 (17 minutes 19 seconds)

Show Notes
A Work in Progress
The Jovian Chronicles
Worm Quartet


Music for the show was provided by Steward Flecknoe-Brown, who can be reached by email at stewart AT elevelup dot net. He is available on skype as well and takes international paymet via PayPal and his website can be found at

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Join us at the Sci Phi Show Forums

Awesome News !

Posted in News on April 28th, 2008

I just discovered that I rate in the top 100 (and pretty near the top) on the utterly moronic list “Fundies Say the Darndest Things”.

How cool is that. Not only do the clueless idiots ignore the context of the original post (Way to go guys, nothing like honesty and careful thinking) but many of the commenters seem to think it was serious.

I’m honoured to make the top 100

Oh, and new show in the next week (fingers crossed)

An update

Posted in Uncategorized on April 20th, 2008

Hi everybody,

Sorry for the lack of shows :(

On the upside the show is not going anywhere. It will be back RealSoonNow(TM). I’m currently have some problems at work and am in the in process of looking for a new job. Anybody hiring software engineers ?

The stress at work makes getting home and doing podcast stuff really hard. I’m sorry to drop off the planet. As soon as I find a new job I suspect the show will get back on track.


The Sci Phi Show #51 - The franchise with Paul Levinson

Posted in Shows on March 10th, 2008

In this episode of The Sci Phi Show I chat with Paul Levinson about the franchise and ways of restricting and opening it, using the movie/book starship troopers as a backdrop.

Episode #50 (30 minutes 3 seconds)

Show Notes
Infinite Regress
Light on Light through

Music for the show was provided by Steward Flecknoe-Brown, who can be reached by email at stewart AT elevelup dot net. He is available on skype as well and takes international paymet via PayPal and his website can be found at

Do you have an idea for a show or feedback ?
Join us at the Sci Phi Show Forums

Look at the crap I have to put up with !

Posted in News on March 2nd, 2008

I received this email in my inbox recently and I thought i’d share. It was pretty funny. It was written to me in response to a comment I made several years ago on a public forum that was an exercise in hyperbole. I was taking a shot at people arguing that it was acceptable to kill small human beings and cut them up for their body parts because they lacked “personhood”. So I argued a similar case but using a different arbitrary criteria for personhood. Apparently Barry, failed to grasp any of this and wrote the following email to me. I edited it for language because Barry curses like a sailor.

In response to:

For the record I consider violent, hateful people like you to be scum, so I will make this brief.

You harm me or my friends or my loved ones and I will kill you on the basis of self defense. This is not a threat. It is a warning to stay the &*%$ away from my city, you worthless piece of &*%$.
Having read your post on theology web, I couldn’t sleep last night, knowing people like you really exist. What gives you the right to decide who is and isn’t “fully human?” Some people call me paranoid. If you’re located anywhere on my continent, I think paranoia is absolutely justified. I hope that by now the FBI has already locked you up in some place where you can’t do any more harm.

I am an atheist and I really do hope one day you do come for my &*%$&*$ organs so that I can slit your &*%$&*$ throat, because you are worse than HItler, you mother&*%$&*$. I hope you track me down so I can sick the &*%$&*$ FBI on your ass. Come post your Nazi-like beliefs on Rational Response Squad. I’ll be waiting for you, &*%$&*$.

To all the atheists that listen I have a question for you. Are you embarrassed by this sort of behavior from your co-religionists ?

I mean Christians say some goofy things from time to time, but the Christians that say goofy things and demonstrate questionable levels of reading comprehension skill at least pride themselves in their anti-intellectualism typically. Barry here seems to have utterly missed the point and yet still associates himself with a group using the word “rational” in its title.

I guess the real irony is that it is Barry’s co-religionists like Peter Singer that I had in mind when I made the original post. But clearly that part went over Barry’s head.

So …

Posted in News on February 20th, 2008

Sorry for the new show delay. Been struggling with a bunch of things including inspiration.

How many of you would miss the show if it folded ?

Shoot me an email and let me know.

The Sci Phi Show #50 - Atheism with Mike Resnick

Posted in Shows on February 4th, 2008

In this episode of The Sci Phi Show I chat with Mike Resnick about his atheism and also about why he find religious people such interesting topics to write about.

Episode #50 (31 minutes 43 seconds)

Show Notes
Infinivox Productions

Music for the show was provided by Steward Flecknoe-Brown, who can be reached by email at stewart AT elevelup dot net. He is available on skype as well and takes international paymet via PayPal and his website can be found at

Philosophy Links


Infinivox Audiobooks
Don’t forget the promo code, SCIPHI01 to get the shipping rebate !

Do you have an idea for a show or feedback ?
Join us at the Sci Phi Show Forums